Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Brandon Starting QB for JV

Okay please indulge me as a Nana! Last night Brandon my oldest grandson started as Quarter Back for Gallatin Junior Varsity game. I'm not sure who was more nervous, Brandon, his Mom, his Nana, or if he would admit it his Dad. We all knew he could do it and what we saw was evidence of that. He showed leadership, poise, maturity and most of all humility. How cool is that. Here are some pictures (somewhere) his mom took. I never know where they will show up. Oh yes by the way, Gallatin won 56 to 20 against Mid Buchanon.
Of course no one can play the game by themselves and Brandon knows that. His line protected him, his receivers scrambled for him and his running backs found the holes to run through. They played a great game. Congratulations Gallatin Bulldogs.


Lila said...

WOW...how cool. What a fun post...keep em coming!!!


thewhitehouse said...

Brandon did a great job! Great pics!