Thursday, May 8, 2008

NIKKI - New to the Family

Some of you may not know that we had to put our Boxer, Lady to sleep a couple of weeks ago. And you probably heard me say NO MORE DOGS. Well you may have also heard of "Famous last Words." Meet Nikki. She's 8 weeks old. Jeff brought her home and how can you say no to a face like that. She got her name because our friends Lanny and Lila have a male named Nike. So Jeff gets the bright idea we should name her Addidas. NOT! So we settled on Nikki. That's great except I try to call her Nike.


Lila said...

Welcome to the family, Nikki!!!

Nicole said...

I saw the title of your post and thought....awww Nancy's blogging about me....then I realized you were talking about your dog!!!! She looks adorable! Has she had a playdate with Nike yet?

Nancy said...

Actually they have met but I think Nike feels he would be robbing the cradle.

Lanny said...

Nike and I had a talk...he doesn't want to spend time with the dog catcher!