Monday, June 30, 2008


Join me in an awesome Ladies Bible Study with Beth Moore as the teacher. If you have ever experienced a Beth Moore Bible Study I don't need to say any more. If you have never experienced a Beth Moore Bible Study you don't want to miss it.

This is a short Bible Study for Beth. Usually they are 12 weeks, this one is 6 weeks. We begin August 4 th at 6:30 in Lila's Sunday School room. It is called "Stepping UP" a journey through the Psalms of Ascent.

There is a workbook that goes with the study. The cost is $12.95 and the dead line is July 20 th to order the books. So call the church office and reserve your workbook NOW !


Lanny said...

Can you sign Jeff and I know "hook us up!?"

Nancy said...

Sorry, Ladies Only. You just wouldn't understand.