Monday, January 7, 2008

When are tears a Good Thing?

When they bring you to the foot of the Cross.

God blessed me with the experience of being there at the birth of a new Believer in Christ Sunday morning at Church. It was a beautiful day all the way around. I told Steve our music minister that every Sunday the music is wonderful but yesterday I felt from the first note that we were inviting the Holy Spirit to join us and He did! ( Couldn't be how I prepare my heart before I get there now could it.) Anyway, a young lady sat near us during service and shortly after started crying. Lisa helped her get a tissue and sat with her during service and Joan and I were praying for her throughout the service. She and Lisa went to the altar and prayed and then they went straight to the conference room at close. Joan and I followed and talked with her for a while. The details are not essential to blog but needless to say she was feeling hopeless and after talking with us and Pastor Jay she found what she was looking for. Hope. Eternal Life in Christ Jesus.

She returned to service that night and we have assured her it was no accident that she sat in the very seat she sat in and that we want to disciple her in her journey with the Lord. ( Thank you for Master Life!) She realizes that she will be attacked because of her decision but our God is bigger and she has been made new. She knows now not to buy into satan's lies and where to find the answers to her questions.

Yes it was a good day!


Anonymous said...

Isn't God soooo cool! Sunday was a VERY good day! And I think we can count on this Sunday being just as good or better.

Grace said...

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!