Well it's been a while but Jeff is down for the count. He has the Flu! When I got home from church last night his temp was 101.7. His neck is also bothering him. It couldn't be that he over did Wednesday night helping in game time at
AWANA. Abby was also sick and Alex has class now on Wednesday. He usually makes it before too long but we never know so I asked Jeff to help Darla. After opening for Sparks and TNT Darla went over and Pat Ramsey was helping Jeff with the
cubbies. Yea!!!!!!!!! Later when I went over Jeff is on a scooter (the
cubbies use) on his chest and Pat is pushing him like a wheel barrow and swinging him in circles. They also played dodge ball and I'm not sure who had more fun, the clubbers or the men. (I use the term men loosely.)
lol. Seriously we are so blessed that we have Christian men who are willing to step up and do whatever it takes to share God's word. Thank's guys.